TalkTo™ is an audio SW, provides exceptional barge-in performance, in high-noise environments, significantly improving Wake Word Engine (WWE) and Voice Services performance. TalkTo™ Mono, stereo, and multichannel playback Proprietary Adaptive Interference Canceller (AIC).
Integrated inside TalkTo™ is Adaptive interference canceller(AIC), Acoustic Echo Canceller(AEC), multi-channel speaker noise and open wake word API, and significantly exceeds Google ART requirements.
TalkTo™ is a suite of proprietary Machine Learning & Microphone Processing algorithms that delivers a quiet-room experience in the noisy & unpredictable spaces of everyday life.
Multichannel Acoustic Eco canceler (AEC) (N-channel) 360-degree operation Linux, Android, & RTOS Wake-word & Ecosystem independent Unequaled far-field performance passes Google Assistant, Alexa Mobile Accessory (AMA) and Amazon Alexa Voice Service (AVS) 2.1 Premium Test . Reports are available under NDA.
This software is used in millions of devices in the consumer, mobile and automotive industry.